Thresher 1.2 Class Documentation

Sender Members

Sender overview

Public Instance Methods

Action Send an action message to a channel.
AdminOverloaded. Request information about the administrator of the current IRC server.
AllList Request basic information for all the channels on the current network.
AllNames Request a list of all visible channels along with their users. If the server allows this kind of request then expect a rather large reply.
AllWho Request a list all visible users (whose mode is not +i) and those who don't have a common channel with the requesting client are listed.
Away Set the user status to away and set an automatic reply to any private message.
ChangeChannelMode Change a channel's mode.
ChangeTopicChange the topic of the given channel.
ChangeUserModeChanges this client's mode. To change another nick's mode use ChangeChannelMode.
ClearTopicClear the channel's topic.
Equals (inherited from Object)
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
GetType (inherited from Object)
InfoOverloaded. Request information about the software of the current IRC server.
Invite Invite a user to a channel.
Ison Request to know if a user is currenlty on IRC.
JoinOverloaded. Join the specified channel.
KickKick a user off a channel.
Kill Forcefully disconnect a user form the IRC server. This can only be used by Operators.
LinksOverloaded. Request all server names which are known by the current server.
ListRequest basic information about a channel, i.e. number of visible users and topic.
LusersOverloaded. Request statistics about the size of the IRC network.
MotdOverloaded. Request the "Message Of The Day" from the current server.
Names Request a list of all nicknames on a given channel.
Nick Change the user's nickname.
PartOverloaded. Leave the given channel.
PrivateAction Send an action message to a user instead of a channel.
PrivateMessage Send a message to a user.
PrivateNoticeSend a notice to a user.
PublicMessage Send a message to all the users in a channel.
PublicNoticeSend a notice to a channel.
Raw Send an arbitrary text message to the IRC server.
RegisterRegister this connection with the IRC server.
RequestChannelList Request the list of users that a channel keeps for the given mode..
RequestChannelModes Request the modes of a channel.
RequestTopicRequest the topic for the given channel.
RequestUserModes Request the modes set for this user.
StatsOverloaded. Request certain kinds of statistics about the current server.
TimeOverloaded. Request the local time from the current server.
ToString (inherited from Object)
UnAway Turns off the away status and the accompanying message.
VersionOverloaded. Request the version of the IRC server program.
Wallops Send a message to all users who have the 'w' user mode set.
Who Request a list of users who match a given query.
Whois Request detailed information about a given user.
WhowasOverloaded. Request information about a user who is no longer on IRC.

See Also

Sender Class | Sharkbite.Irc Namespace