Thresher 1.2 Class Documentation

Rfc2812Util Members

Rfc2812Util overview

Public Static (Shared) Methods

ChannelModesToArray Convert a string of ChannelModes characters to an array of ChannelMode enums.
ChannelModeToChar Converts a ChannelMode into its RFC2812 character.
CharToChannelMode Converts the char recived from the IRC server into its enum equivalent.
CharToModeAction Converts the char received from the IRC server into its enum equivalent.
CharToStatsQuery Converts the char recived from the IRC server into its enum equivalent.
CharToUserMode Converts the char recived from the IRC server into its enum equivalent.
IsValidChannelList Using the rules set forth in RFC 2812 determine if an array of channel names is valid.
IsValidChannelName Using the rules set forth in RFC 2812 determine if the channel name is valid.
IsValidNick Using the rules set forth in RFC 2812 determine if the nickname is valid.
IsValidNicklList Using the rules set forth in RFC 2812 determine if an array of nicknames names is valid.
ModeActionToChar Convert a ModeAction into its RFC2812 character.
ParseUserInfoLine Break up an IRC user string into its component parts.
StatsQueryToChar Converts a StatQuery enum value to its RFC2812 character.
UserInfoFromString Converts the user string sent by the IRC server into a UserInfo object.
UserModesToArray Convert a string of UserModes characters to an array of UserMode enums.
UserModeToChar Converts a UserMode into its RFC2812 character.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
GetType (inherited from Object)
ToString (inherited from Object)

See Also

Rfc2812Util Class | Sharkbite.Irc Namespace