Thresher 1.2 Class Documentation

ConnectionArgs Members

ConnectionArgs overview

Public Instance Constructors

ConnectionArgs Constructor Create a new instance initialized with the default values: TCP/IP port 6667, no server password, and user mode invisible.

Public Instance Properties

Hostname The IRC server hostname
ModeMask Set's the user's initial IRC mode mask. Set to 0 to recieve wallops and be invisible. Set to 4 to be invisible and not receive wallops.
Nick The user's nick name.
Port The TCP/IP port the IRC listens server listens on.
RealName The user's 'real' name.
ServerPassword The password for this server. These are seldomly used. Set to '*'
UserName The user's machine logon name.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from ValueType)
GetHashCode (inherited from ValueType)
GetType (inherited from Object)
ToString (inherited from ValueType)

See Also

ConnectionArgs Class | Sharkbite.Irc Namespace